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Receive FREE SHIPPING on orders over $99 placed on the Didax website and shipped within the contiguous US. No promo code is required to receive this offer.
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Free shipping valid ONLY on orders placed on the Didax website shipped within the contiguous US. Our regular shipping policies applies to other orders.
Multiplication Fact Fluency Cards are an easy yet effective system to master multiplication and division facts to 100. Students develop fluency with one set of facts at a time, using facts they now know to solve unknown related facts. Each card provides a visual model, an array of dots, to aid in learning the multiplication fact. Students apply their knowledge of each multiplication fact to the related multiplication "turn-around" fact, cutting the number of facts to be learned in half! Answer found on the back of each card along with other related multiplication and division equations.
52 cards in 5 color-coded sets. Includes 2 instruction cards. Space provided for student names on back of box.
• Fun, colorful fact practice
• Immediate feedback during practice
• Smaller sequenced sets build proficiency
• Multiplication and division taught together
• Develop student confidence