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Pre-K – grade 1 educators know all too well the importance of math in the early years and research confirms, “Children’s early mathematical knowledge serves as a predictor of later mathematics success and their college and career opportunities.” (Shah et al. 2018; Watts et al. 2014).
At Didax, we’re passionate about creating engaging, high-quality materials that make math fun and accessible for students. Our newest addition, the 0-20 Shape Playing Cards, is a perfect example. These versatile cards aren’t just for one grade level or topic—they’re designed to seamlessly support a wide range of math concepts. From counting to operations, these cards offer endless opportunities for hands-on learning and fun. Since traditional cards don’t have the numbers 0-20, they often do not fully address fluency skills students need to practice with. That’s where this innovative set of cards comes in as they provide the range of numbers needed in K-5 and beyond!
For almost 50 years, Didax has delivered solutions to make math teaching and learning more concrete, more active, and more effective. Our products help students Pre-K–12 master essential math concepts and operations, from basic arithmetic to advanced algebra and geometry. Our physical and digital manipulatives and curriculum resources ensure math is easier to teach and way more fun to learn!
Counting collections are rich, relevant cooperative learning tasks that also provide authentic formative assessment opportunities. Students in PK-2 apply many foundational skills while participating in counting collections: number list, cardinality, conservation, pairing one object to only one number name, place value, answering “how many?”.
We know children are naturally fascinated by trains. Take advantage of this fun event in your classroom this month with a high-leverage math tool, Ten-Frames Trains. Make the concept of ten concrete for your learners with these fun, interlocking "train" cars that hold 10 counters per train. Connect trains together to work with numbers to 20 and beyond.
Multiplication Fact Fluency Cards are an easy yet effective system to master multiplication and division facts to 100. Students develop fluency with one set of facts at a time, using facts they now know to solve unknown related facts. Each card provides a visual model, an array of dots, to aid in learning the multiplication fact.
An interview with the cards' creator, Nancy Anderson
Mathematics can be a challenging subject for many elementary students. The abstract nature of numbers and equations can lead to frustration and gaps in understanding of foundational concepts for many students.