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Class Ideas: The Didax Blog

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Building Spatial Awareness with Geometiles

Spatial ability or visualization is essential in engineering and scientific fields. It is the skill of understanding where objects are in space in relation to each other and how they interact. Geometiles is a tool for children to develop spatial awareness either in a self-directed or teacher-directed way. Whichever way you use Geometiles, they give children an opportunity to develop resourcefulness and hone their problem solving skills.

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What brought you to this project? Why did you think there was a need for an early algebra curriculum?We recognized that, generally, students are not prepared for the kind of math that they are doing in middle school and high school, and that algebra is really the gatekeeper for post-secondary education and entering the job market. We found that by spending just a little bit of time building early algebraic concepts in elementary grades, we can significantly improve children’s algebra readiness as they enter middle grades, and this has the potential to transform their success in school mathematics.

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Number Sense through Puzzle and Play

I like to think of number sense as the linchpin to learning mathematics well. It plays a critical role in students’ confidence and risk taking. It helps them determine the reasonableness of their solutions and tinker with strategies and approaches when their solutions to problems are off. Number sense enables students to be flexible and efficient with both their computation and reasoning.

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Activities for the 100th Day of School

It’s hard to believe that 2018 is here, and we’re quickly approaching the 100th day of school. When I first started working with elementary school teachers, the concept of a 100 days celebration was foreign to me—it wasn’t something that we did in high school. Over time, I’ve come to appreciate this tradition and the mathematical opportunities it brings. In honor of 100 days of learning this school year, here are a few ideas for your 100th day activities. Try them out and let us know what you think!

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